Monday, February 22, 2016

Day 24 Mon

Still having many episodes of light-headed, dizziness.  This is what many sites describe as die-off symptoms.  I also read that it can be a result of ketosis.  Whatever the case... it can be nauseating and sometimes I worry.  Mostly as long as I maintain constant food intake, and lots of water, it isn't a very prominent symptom.  The thing is I tend to do things without stopping for breaks so I will go without food /water & that's when I get dizzy.  Because it really does have to be a constant stream of food/water... veggies, soup, meat, eggs, veggies, green smoothie, meat eggs, etc.

Thursday is Day 28.  And I'm anxious to get to that day because that was the magical day my sinus condition cleared in 1999.  Of course, I really have no idea whether that magic number matters much in this case with the couple of conditions I'm hoping to clear up.  Indeed, now that I'm older I wonder if it will be a longer time period on the diet to help correct things. 

However... I plan to end the diet, completely for Friday - Monday morning - only since I'll be cruising with friends and want to enjoy the full menu's available for the cost of the ticket.  I had been thinking I would be adding back some carbs at around this time so I can prep for the weekend so as to not shock my body with the sudden intake of sugar and carbs. 

I have already cheated with popcorn and a few chips in the last 2 weeks - which was supposed to be a carb-free two weeks.  That was back when I was really worried about the keytone counts and the dizziness, after food poisoning (which I'm now not so sure was even food poisoning - since I still have all the same symptoms...but maybe less severe).

Anyway... a part of me would rather not slowly ease back into the carbs because I would rather just hard-core it right to the very last moment when I leave for this trip and all that free - off diet food.  It's just that with all this dizziness - I'll be on a cruise, yikes... don't need to add these symptoms to motion sickness. Maybe if I ease onto the carbs now, I can be sure that the dizziness will subside before the trip...

I think, too, when I return from my trip I will want to start back over - an immediate start with no carbs for 2 wks, then ease back on to them.  So.  If I commit to starting over on Monday... then I shouldn't worry too much about adding carbs back now to prep for the weekend.

I'll start tonight, or tomorrow with oatmeals, quinoas, and brown rices over the next 3 days - maybe only 1/2 cup morn  & 1/2 at night... and by Thurs/Fri I'll try to have increased it a bit more.

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